Friday, November 16, 2007

The official start of insanity

This week, I have begun to ponder the quest to run a half-marathon. Several of my fellow runners are ready, so we have discussed it and believe that we're actually going to start training next Saturday. The first run is just 5 miles, which we will do tomorrow outside of this 16-week prep program. Next week is another 5 miles, then it goes up from there. It's not that I can't run the 5 - 6 mile distance, I run 4 - 6 most Saturdays, but it's the 7, 8, 9, and 10 milers that have me worried. My most pressing concern is if I will actually be able to make the mid-week distances.

The mid-week runs are not long, but are very regular. The training goes like this:

Saturday - long run

Tuesday - 3 miles, later 4 miles

Wednesday - longer mid-week run (4 or 5 miles until week 9, then 6 or 7)

Thursday - match the Tuesday run

The footnote states that Sunday should be a cross-training or additional running day. That's 5 days of running each week, every week for 16 weeks. Doing the math, that is a total of 80 runs and just under 350 miles - in under 4 months.

I will start with all intention of finishing. In the back of my mind, I know it will be tough to find the time and commitment to complete the entire program. However, if I do complete the program, it will be an easy 13.1 miles in mid-March.

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