Sunday, January 28, 2007

10K Team in Training - week 2

The mid-week workouts are basically Monday - repeat Saturday's distance; Wednesday - go further than that; Thursday - change to cross-training of some sort such as elliptical. Sunday, Tuesday and Friday are rest days. The rest on Tuesday seems weird to me since that is a normal gym day for me. This week, I lifted on Tuesday and rested on Friday. Since I wasn't on the treadmill on Tuesday, I did both arms and upper body the same day. Ouch! DOMS - delayed onset muscle soreness. That was me on Wednesday and Thursday. My pects (aka Man Boobs) hurt like hell Wednesday and Thursday. On Monday and Wednesday, I ran / walked on the treadmill way further than my program called for, and topped 650+ calories on each of those days.

Yesterday, we did our long weekly run outside. After a very brief discussion, it was a 2-mile day. The morning was crisp - in the upper 30s to start (it was <20 the previous morning), so dressing correctly became a challenge. A sleeveless wicking shirt first, followed by a long sleeved wicking workout shirt. My top layer was a sweatshirt - not the best choice but the best I had. I think I will try to find a better top layer for next week. On my bottom, just workout pants (wicking type). On my head, I wore the 180 ear grips made for running. I finished this outfit off with my 180 brand running gloves. I love those gloves! I've had the ear grips and gloves for a couple of years now and they both work really well in cold weather.

I ran the first mile with a bit of effort, but kept going for another quarter mile or so before starting to walk. I do walk quickly, so didn't lose much of my place in line. I picked back up running again until the hill - then walked to the top and finished with almost 1/2 mile run. All in all, I felt good about both my effort and the fact that I was about the 12th fastest in the novice group. Monday, I will have to do 2-miles on the treadmill, so I will have to see how that goes.

I am determined that this training will not kill me - I will push myself physically - further than I have since high school. I am not as mentally tough or as physically strong as I was then, and many pounds heavier. However, I have done more physically in the past 12 months than in the prior 20 years. After the first few months, my weight hasn't drastically changed at all. But, I do have less fat and significantly more muscle than I did a year ago. A few changes to my eating need to occur (like bringing lunch and eating oatmeal for breakfast). So, this next 9 weeks will help get that kick started. I don't want to be lugging this weight around for 6+ miles on March 31st!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

10K Team in Training - week 1

Well, I have joined the local YMCA's Team in Training program to prep for the 10K on March 31st. During the first weekly workout session, it was almost all talk and a very short run. However, that changes quickly.

30 minutes of discussion about what works and what doesn't, what to wear (high level), and what not to wear (headphones during the weekly runs). After all, it's about teamwork, and you cannot get that if you have music blaring in your ears. Also, it's harder to hear people in the back or front of the group yelling about a car coming. However, during the indoor mid-week runs, my music will be blasting away on the treadmill. So, after the discussion, we did a 1-mile run. I finished the entire mile running and not walking at all. I actually think it was less than a mile, meant to motivate you in the first week. There are over a hundred people in the novice group, including several that I know well outside of the Y or know to say hello to in the Y. I don't think that all of the people will complete the program, but I will!

On to the mid-week workouts!

Monday, January 01, 2007

2007 - A Year of Change

Happy New Year!

It is 2007, officially, as of about 12 hours ago. My daughter and I celebrated at a friend's house with a bunch of other guys who were on their own. Several of us were in that position because our wives were out of town visiting mutual friends. We touched base with our spouses a few times - just before and just after midnight. It was a good time, with lots of darts and food, and a couple of beers to boot. As usual, my friend Jeff and I won at darts -- we are very good as teammates at anything we do. He is normally better at most "sporty things" than I am, but I can pull my own and often surprise myself.

Today it is warm and raining. For the past three years, we have played tennis for a few hours early on New Year's Day -- but not this year. We play outside, so don't have the luxury of either heat or play in inclement weather. We were sure of the weather last night, so knew we weren't playing today. So, we drank more than if we were playing, and stayed up way too late. I'm paying for both today, so hope to get in a nap later. We are heading across the street for the annual brunch that our neighbors throw. Good food and many friends will be there - always a great way to bring in the new year.

Here's to a wonderful, prosperous new year!