Monday, April 27, 2009

Morton's Neuroma

I went to see the podiatrist today. He was a great guy and listened well. He finally diagnosed the foot pain based on the bottom of my right foot as Morton’s Neuroma. According to WebMD, Morton’s Neuroma is a swollen or thickened nerve in the ball of your foot. When your toes are squeezed together too often and for two long (I’m guessing by running), the nerve that runs between the toes can swell and get thicker. This makes it painful when I walk on the foot. Funny but I never had pain when running - only when I walked the next day or two. According to the doc, the nerve gets numb when I run, so I don’t really feel it then - only later.  So, one shot of cortisone a a few days of rest later, I should be good to go by Thursday or Friday morning. I should note that the shot of cortisone was into the TOP of my foot (ouch) but really didn’t hurt at all.

On a side note, he also mentioned that my orthotics should be worn every day, not just in my running shoes. So, except for flip flops or bare feet, they will be in my shoes going forward.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Stumbling upon cool stuff

We took a leisurely drive through northwestern Connecticut on Friday. I had the day off from work and the kids were still on Spring Break. When there, we saw lots of cool stuff (posted later) but it included stumbling on Lime Rock Park. There, the CT River Valley Porsche Club was having practice for the Saturday race. Admission was free, after filling in all of the requisite forms denying any liability if we were to get hurt, and each receiving this nice blue wristband. Once we entered, we drove over a bridge to the infield, then turned right and parked next to a fence to see what was going on. We were practically by ourselves. Then, off to the left, the Porsches started coming around the corner at 130+ MPH. We were literally 30 feet from the edge of the track and had unfettered access to watching the practice laps.

Very cool thing to just stumble upon - the right day, the right weather (gorgeous), and the time to watch.