Thursday, September 20, 2007

Motivation and the 3 W's

I have not been motivated to run lately. I'm trying to figure out why... it might have something to do with the 3 W's.

Work - I've spent way too many hours at work lately. When I finally leave, it's hard to find the time to relax. Sleep doesn't come easily these days, but when I finally fall asleep, I sleep hard and sleep deep, making the 5:15 AM gym time easy to avoid.

Weather - the weather is starting to cool down (it's in the low 60s at 5:30 am now). The heat of the summer just beat me up and sent me indoors.

Weight - my weight is hovering... I have been unable to drop further than the 15 original pounds from last year. While I attribute some of it to muscle conversion, I attribute the rest to the fact that I like to eat.

Truth be told, there are 4 W's that I cannot stand - only three listed here. The other W is the one I helped put into office (only the first time), but I digress.

I think I need to move a bit further up the alphabet.

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